
A special thanks to....

Hysteria-Lives and his name is Justin.

Only a handfull of people (as of the present) will be reading this, but it's the thought that counts. But, we all know that's not the case on Christmas. We're all getting tired of socks and cologne, but where are the simple thank yous? Well, here's one.
This one goes out to Justin Kerswell of .http://hysteria-lives.co.uk/. The guy is almost soley responsible for turning me back to the beloved slasher film. I watched scary movies constantly as a kid, but not until 1998, when I first started to surf the web, did I stumble upon Justin's site -and it all started from there. I've read 'almost' every review and interview on his site. Some of the best, well-rounded and truthful reviews of the slasher film on the entire net.

I used to be part of a very large (now defunct in content only - The domain still exists with a whole different presentation) horror themed website, and just so happened to have a few extra interviews lying around. Since they didn't have a home, and since some of them were slasher themed, I asked Justin if he would put them on his site. Sure enough, he did.
A helluva guy I tell ya! If you like slashers, don't go anywhere else but Hysteria-Lives. It's the ONLY place to go for your slasher fix. So, in a nutshell, thanks Justin. Thanks for all your hard work and sincere dedication to the genre.

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